Wednesday, October 05, 2005

"Testing" troubled waters

My apprehensions proved right,i was on the bench for almost 1 1/2 mnths.and to make the matters worse i was not into derivatives team.My friend Suyog who was on bench for almost three months bagged the project,lucky boy !!!.
I stopped studying derivatives mid-way and went to b'lore for a short vacation,there is more than reason as to why i chose b'lore as my sojourn.I needed this break,i wanted to go out of mumbai,mayb i was bored of sitting ideal and reading books on Oracle or Finance.I spent some quality time in b'lore and was happy to be back feeling afresh.I finished a novel by Harry Coben - No second chance in the meanwhile.Just two days back when i was sitting writing a trigger (for practice),i got a mail and then a phone call from Sanjeev,one of my friends who manages Resource Pool,asking me to meet our Product Testing Manager as there is a requirement for testing for one of the modules in the product.Our Product Testing Manager is one of the sloppiest ass i have seen on the floor,he walks as if he is dragging his heavyweight butt all around the place showing his aversion for enthusiasm in life.I also met this guy called Anirudh who boasts of being the best employee around but as they say "All that glitters is not gold" holds true for him,if the rumours mongers are to be beleived even AGM is fed up of him.

Some of my friends were shocked 'cos i was sent to testing(their reaction surprised me).A few months back some of my friends were asked to go to testing team and all i could hear from them was "Mujhe testing main kyun dala".I strongly beleive that every person should love what they are doing and i love my work whether it is coding,testing or implementation.After the GRE debacle my mother told me something that i would never forget,she said that it is imperative to earn self-respect and wealth by your own hard-work and performance rather than depend on other's help.I am of the opnion that every expereince and every job teaches you something and knowledge is never wasted.Life always comes to a full circle and what u learn today will help you someday in the future .Moreover testing(manual) was not new to me,i have tried my hands at some of my own works during one of my projects for an International Asian Bank and i am glad that even in testing my work i appreciated.

I have big plans for myself,testing teaches you to see the unseen,have foresight and think from a third angle.There is so much to do in life and so much to learn,i honestly feel that i am not working even 1/4 times hard as i should be working,i don't want to miss even one single oppurtunity to learn in life.

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