Sunday, October 16, 2005

Who are we ?

When i was a kid my bro and i wanted to become scientists that's 'coz we loved science(maybe we inherited that from our father) and we wanted to change the world and make it a better place through our inventions.My relatives and dad's friends used to ask us as to what we aspire to be once we grow up and we said "Scientist".My dad although did not encourage that and said that scientist do not earn much money,as my bro and i were naive we remitted the idea of becoming scientist.How many of us grow upto be the person we desired when we were young ?.Very few.All those ambitions change when we grow up,it is moulded and ammended by our parents or outside world.

When i grew up i wanted to be a chemical engineer.I dreamed of going to UDCT.I toiled day and night but when the results came they left me stranded in the middle of nowhere,i sobbed,i could see all my dreams being washed away just like houses in the surge of a Tsunami.I questioned GOD "Why did you do this to me ?".Forcefully i had to choose electronics and telecommunication over chemical engineering(or should i say my dad forced me to).

And ironically today i work in a IT company.Looking back i am surprised by the dramatic change of events.From scientist to chemical engineer to electronics and telecommunication engineer to an IT professional,so much has changed.We mould ourselves just for money,isn't it ??.We kill our ambitions or dreams 'coz maybe they won't fetch us enough money to lead a rich and famous life.I am sure i am not the only one,there many out there who have experienced the same or simmilar incidents.

At times i ask myself,why didn't i stick to my dreams ? why do we listen to the world and not our heart ? is money the only thing we live for ? is this what i want from life ? am i truly happy ?how many of us have carved a dream for ourself ?are we mere puppets whose strings are in the hands of the superior forces of the world? ?WHO ARE WE ? WHO AM I ?.

Today i have a dream.A dream to create a world class firm which has strong moral values.A firm which will take amateur dreamers from rags to riches.A company which will change the way we do business.A company which won't work for a few extra dollars at the expense of moral values.A company where each and every employee will wake up every m'ning and say to himself "Today i am going enjoy my work.Today i will conribute more than i did yesterday..Today i will be a even better human being.".A company which can withstand every advesity.A company which is not afraid of challenges.A COMPANY WHERE EVERY INDIVIDUAL WILL REALISE AS TO WHO HE IS .

After 23 years i have realised WHO I WANT TO BE,WHAT ABOUT YOU ?

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