Monday, September 15, 2008

Career Orientation

I am born into a typical south Indian family where a child has to be a doctor an engineer or a chartered accountant. I hardly remember other career options discussed in my family except the option to be a scientist. I don’t know if the door for my niche is still open and if open will I realize that till then.

I don’t blame my parents. They asked me to pursue a career which was incumbent to the Indian society. Frankly speaking 15 yrs back we could hardly see people getting good stable jobs in other career options. India in all ways is lagging behind the western world where career options are many.

Now when I give it a thought well there are a lot of things in which I had some initial skills. Speaking, sports, writing, poetry and some others too. Well maybe I didn’t have the strength to break free from the mould of the typical Indian society. I succumbed and went ahead with a career which is common i.e. becoming an engineer. Though I wanted to be a chemical engineer during the timing to choose a seat I choose telecom and today I am a software engineer. Sometimes I wonder if this were I wanted to be. Did I always want to be a software engineer .. I guess no. Though I am “happy” I however regard this as a fall back option for me till the time I find my niche. I don’t know if the door for my niche is still open and if open will I realize that till then.

If I find one will I leave all the comforts of my current job to pursue my niche? Well the answer honestly is “I don’t know”.

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