Tuesday, August 23, 2005

On The Bench

Bench doesn't literally mean what we learnt in school.In IT "On The Bench" means that you are currently not assigned to any project.It's been almost 6 months on the floor i luckily i haven't stayed on the bench for more than
5days max. After finishing my third project (a maintanence though),which is something i wouldn't write about 'coz this bank being our second client was using an outdated version of our product and trust me working on a outdated version of a product can be very tough.My boss wasn't good enough,i mean he was this double-edged sword,so i had weight my every activity very carefully before approaching him.For me this was not a very good experience 'coz my previous bosses were very humble and understanding.

Finally here i was,on the bench,chilling out,going to my friends desk,cracking jokes ,pulling people's leg,listening to music and having a great time.This was some kind of a relief to me 'coz i had worked tirelessly for my previous projects and a off like this was a welcome change.Being on the bench was exciting for me though but i am sure most of my friends wouldn't agree 'coz they have been on bench for almost 2 mnths. now and that can be annoying.Imagine sitting on a chair all day staring at your PC and waiting for the AGM to come as a Messiah who would free you from the clutches of boredom.For some of my friends this was demeaning.Today they are used to it and have accepted the fact that may be they will be sitting ideal for some more time now.

For me this was the perfect oppurtunity to learn my topic of interest "DERIVATIVES"(this is not the derivatives we learnt in school)for those people who have some experience of trade market this should be a known term.
I took notes from an MBA graduate on the floor ,who has a fair idea of derivatives, and started studying.I have always been interested in derivatives,right from the day i went to the first presentation of derivatives from one of the managers in my firm.This was the perfect time to learn derivatives which i had contrived to study right after the day i attended my first presentation.A couple of days i got a tip off that i would be joining derivatives module for a reputed bank as my next project,now this sounded exciting.

I am spending time helping my friends in coding and solving their problems,i beleive that if you want to grow then you should share knowledge.

I am enjoying my time On The Bench learning things that remained impending due to projects,and,offering technical help to people to do their job efficiently.Hopefully i shouldn't remain on the bench for long.

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