Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hindu mythology: A B-School in itself

MBA is one of the most premier degrees in today's times. Everyone wants to do an MBA. Everyone wants to be a manager. Having said that, i always felt if -school teach what they should teach or they simply put an attitude in you to learn and work hard 'coz that is what you need to survive in the real world of today. But if that is what you need to learn then do you have to go to B-School.

I was attending a class on management in fall semester and at the end of the class the professor asked if the students thought that some other teachings should be inculcated in the curriculum. One of the students responded, that what was taught in class is the ideal scenario but this ideal scenario never occurs in the real world. The class on management taught about making use of employee skills, employee motivation, innovation, scouting n all but do we really get rightly skilled employees in real world, do all employees want motivation, do all employees and organization think about long term innovation. When you put a B-School student into real life situations the outcome and reaction from the student is totally different. So, if i want to learn about dealing with real life challenges where do i go? the answers are in our old Hindu mythology.

I was watching B.R. Chopra's Mahabharat the other day and some of the dialogues from the serial are so thoughtfully written that if you listen and follow them you don't have to go to a B-School. When Pandavas moved to Indraprastha Arjuna and Krishna have a chat one evening

Arjun: All is well settled. We have established Indraprastha and it is beautiful. Now we have our own kingdom
Krishna: Don't fall for this temporary peace 'coz beyond this peace a storm is steadily brewing

Krishna was referring to Duryodhan and Shakuni's next move.
When you know that you have a enemy who is always thinking of cutting you to size one should not sit contented with wins in battles but always be prepared for a bigger war. Even before the great Mahabharat war was declared Krishna starting eliminating enemies who he knew can affect the outcome of the war. It simply means that if you start early you will never be due for a nasty surprise.

Yudhistir in Mahabharat and Ram in Ramayan teach people management while Chanakya neethi teaches politics and strategy. If a person can understand what these greats characters have taught us we need not go to any B-School.

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